Climate Week: Fighting climate crime with Customs – a letter from Kiev
I’m in Kiev, where an international meeting is looking into the threat posed by the growing criminal trade in climate-wrecking refrigerant gases
- Climate:
I’m in Kiev, where an international meeting is looking into the threat posed by the growing criminal trade in climate-wrecking refrigerant gases
It’s hot outside and getting hotter with climate change, so what to do about it?
A letter from the planet Earth to the human race – “I fear for my life, for the future of me”
“Climate change” just doesn’t cut it any more. It doesn’t even come close to defining the precipice on which all life on the planet is currently teetering. Back in the day, when the concept of climate change first grazed the public consciousness, it was more likely to be looked on as something that would be […]
In the 35 years which have passed since the EIA was created in 1984, the world has witnessed astonishing and sometimes bewildering changes
A new briefing, High Stakes, recommends tougher and more effective commitments under the Montreal Protocol