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Search results for: ozone


Illegal CFC-11 production: response to China embassy letter

China has identified illegal use and production of CFC-11 in a series of actions undertaken in response to our report Blowing It, which revealed companies making polyurethane foams in China continue to use the banned ozone-depleting substance. We want to see China undertake analysis of the drivers of illegal CFC-use

  • Climate:

Exposé of illegal CFC-11 in China tops Montreal Protocol agenda in Vienna

The unexpected rise in emissions of CFC-11 was top of the agenda at the 40th Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) to the Montreal Protocol in Vienna. Tina Birmpili of the Ozone Secretariat said it was “critical to take stock of the science and take action” and urged parties to “not relax their vigilance for a second”

  • Climate:

Illegal CFC trade and energy efficiency top the bill at Montreal Protocol meeting

Our Climate team is at the 40th Open Ended Working Group to the Montreal Protocol in Vienna, Austria, to press for action on illegal CFCs in China, climate-friendly energy efficiency and other issues – the ongoing, widespread use of CFC-11 in China is a major compliance issue and an environmental crime on a grand scale

  • Climate:
Press Release

New EIA report uncovers illegal CFC-11 production and use in China

In the wake of shocking evidence showing significant and unexplained emissions of the ozone-destroying chemical CFC-11, the new report Blowing It by the Environmental Investigation Agency reveals compelling evidence that illegal production and use of CFC-11 in the polyurethane foam sector in China is the cause

  • Climate: