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Search results for: ozone



Our climate work aims to tackle the pressing threat of climate change by eliminating powerful greenhouse gases including methane and those used widely in the cooling sector, improving energy efficiency of replacement technologies and investigating the illicit trade in refrigerant greenhouse gases.



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Montreal Protocol takes steps to crack down on illegal ozone-killer CFCs

The 30th Meeting of the Parties (MoP30) to the Montreal Protocol closed in Ecuador, with a decision on immediate next steps to understand and address CFC-11 emissions. We commend the sense of urgency and commitment expressed by the Parties in taking immediate action to respond to the unexpected emissions of CFC-11

  • Climate:

IWC at 70: A gruesome whaling club matures into a respected world leader

The IWC was created to undertake the business of the Convention. There were 15 initial signatories but today it has 89 members. The 70th anniversary provides a useful moment to reflect on how this international agreement has evolved over seven decades, its importance and EIA’s contribution to its work

  • Ocean: