

Upholding laws to prevent whales and dolphins from becoming entangled in fishing gear

Hundreds of thousands of dolphins, porpoises and whales (collectively known as cetaceans) are bycaught in fishing gear every year and tens of thousands die in European waters. This has been happening for decades. Governments have been slow to act, to understand bycatch impacts and, more critically, to prevent bycatch from happening despite stringent laws in […]


Fit for 40? Celebrating the Vienna Convention and facing the challenges threatening its legacy

Saturday (22 March) is the 40-year anniversary of the signing of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, an achievement which has stood for four decades as an inspiration for multilateral environmental action. The Vienna Convention was established in response to scientific evidence that man-made chemicals, particularly chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), were causing significant […]


Party political whales – the ongoing senseless slaughter of whales by Iceland, Japan and Norway

Almost four decades after the 1986 global moratorium on commercial whaling put an end to the mass slaughter of whales, opposition to commercial whaling around the world is stronger than ever. Yet as we mark World Whale Day 2025, Japan, Norway and Iceland – three of the world’s wealthiest nations that otherwise generally abide by […]


EIA campaigners in the room for the big CITES Standing Committee meeting in Geneva

The 78th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC78) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) kicked off in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday. This is the body that considers compliance, implementation and enforcement matters, providing guidance to the CITES Secretariat and Parties through recommendations and preparing draft decisions for […]


Climate-wrecking refrigerants are everywhere at CoP29, cooling the venue while warming the planet

As we approach the end of another year defined by record-breaking global temperatures and deadly natural disasters, turbo-charged by the escalating climate crisis, some 50,000 people have descended on Baku in Azerbaijan for the 29th annual UN Climate Change Conference (CoP29). For the third year in a row, EIA has looked into the systems being […]


N₂O: No laughing matter

Following the launch of a deeply concerning new assessment on the alarming increase in emissions from the ‘forgotten greenhouse gas’ - what should be done to avert a global catastrophe?