
We have a ten-year theory of change to guide the organisation in achieving long-term objectives. Supporting this overall vision, we have multi-year strategies for each area of our work and campaigns which are reviewed on an annual basis.

Our theory of change was developed to help us achieve our mission and ambition:

By 2030, our campaigns and investigations will have increased the protection of our natural world. We will do this by addressing the climate, biodiversity and habitat crisis through reductions in environmental crime, abuse and exploitation, securing lasting change with rigorous evidence gathering, analysis and advocacy.

EIA works in four programmatic areas where its exceptional experience, understanding of the opportunity for change and ability to make change happen is strong. We will continue to focus on these four overarching programmes in the next ten years. While new campaigns or projects may be added to the programmes, EIA’s main focus will be to build effective synergies across these programmes to better reflect the inter-connected threats posed to our climate, biodiversity and habitats.

The Preconditions for Change

EIA campaigns for changes to law and policy, both in domestic and international contexts, backed up by effective enforcement and progressive measures from the private sector. We focus on the decision-makers with the power to deliver change, but we use a variety of approaches, tools and methods to influence them. These approaches can include investigations, direct advocacy, community-based work, and awareness-raising to galvanise broad public support.  Much of our work involves strong multi-stakeholder partnerships working especially in countries most threatened by environmental crime and degradation.

The three main preconditions for change are that decision makers (in both public and private sectors):

  • Acknowledge the need for change
  • Commit to implementing and financing progressive policies and practices which lead to long term systems and behaviour change
  • Are held accountable for implementing change

To achieve this objective we monitor and evaluate our results closely via a tracking system. Ambitious targets for each programme describe what success means for us, over the next three years (2021-2023), in the context of our long term goal. Progress towards these targets are verified through monitoring of measurable indicators contained in the organisation’s programme strategies which are updated on an annual basis and approved by EIA’s Board of Trustees.

If you have any questions about our strategy please contact us.