Making a Will FAQ

What are the different ways of leaving a gift to EIA UK in my Will?

  • A pecuniary or monetary legacy allows you to leave a specific sum of money to EIA UK. It is possible to link this sum to inflation so that the gift does not depreciate over the years. Please consult your legal advisor.
  • A residuary legacy allows you to leave all or part of the remainder of your estate to EIA UK, after other legacies and charges have been met.
  • A reversionary legacy leaves your assets to a named beneficiary (for example, your spouse or other dependent) for their lifetime, with the whole or a portion reverting to EIA UK on their death.
  • A specific or non-monetary legacy allows you to leave a specific possession (e.g. shares, property, stocks, pictures or furniture) to EIA UK to be retained or sold to provide funds for our work.
  • A conditional legacy provides for the eventuality that if none of your dependents survives you, your estate will be left to other named beneficiaries including, perhaps, EIA UK. 

What should I include in my Will? 

EIA UK would be delighted to receive any gift that you choose to make in your Will. We suggest that you consult your solicitor, who will be able to advise you on the next steps. 

You should also obtain appropriate taxation advice on any proposed gifts of property under your Will. Please note that a legacy should refer to EIA UK. Here is some suggested wording, to discuss with your legal and taxation advisors: 

“I, [INSERT FULL NAME], give to EIA UK, United Kingdom (UK Registered Charity no. 1182208)

 the residue of my estate 

 a proportion of the residue of my estate: ____% 

 the sum of £______ 

 other (give details below) 

[free of tax] for the general purposes of EIA UK’s work and I declare that the receipt of the Director or other authorised Officer for the time being of EIA UK shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executors.” 

How will EIA UK use my personal information? 

EIA UK collects the personal information you provide to us in this form so we can record your bequest intentions and keep you updated on EIA UK’s work. Your details will be treated in the strictest confidence and EIA UK will never share your personal details with any other organisation without your permission. If you would like to gain access to your personal information or require further details please do not hesitate to contact us.