

Exposed — the plastics waste trade scams that fuel crime and injustice around the world

Old wheelie bins discarded by UK householders may be funding organised crime and contributing to environmental injustice and human rights violations around the globe. In the first of a new two-part report, Dirty Deals, the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA UK) reveals startling evidence of how regulatory weaknesses, legal loopholes and outdated practices in the […]


Norges Bank cuts ties with traditional medicine firm over its use of endangered species

Norges Bank has divested from a major traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) company in the wake of EIA’s major exposé Investing in Extinction, which found the body parts of threatened leopards and pangolins being used as ingredients in at least 88 products. The bank cited an ‘unacceptable risk’ of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Da Re Tang Group Corp […]