Tag: poaching


Illegal ivory trade issue is aired in the House of Lords

Following the declaration of 2011 as the worst year for elephants since the international trade in ivory was banned in 1989, the issue was raised in the UK’s House of Lords when Lord St John of Bletso asked the Government what measures it would support to tackle the increase in elephant poaching and illegal ivory trade


EIA hosts environmental crime panel in Bangkok

Environmental crime is recognised by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime as the third largest form of global crime, accounting for at least $3.5 billion a year. It exacerbates deforestation and climate change, threatens the existence of endangered species and affects the livelihoods of rural communities.


UK minister backs call for zero tolerance of tiger trade

Tiger campaigners have met with British Foreign Office Minister Jeremy Browne MP as part of their on going fight to see the trade on tiger parts banned. The meeting at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office took place as the supporter signature count on a petition soared above 31,000 in a little over 30 days