Updated: Take action now to tell MPs to end the ivory trade
On Friday, October 4, EIA joined the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust's iWorry campaign International March for Elephants to call for an end to all ivory trade
On Friday, October 4, EIA joined the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust's iWorry campaign International March for Elephants to call for an end to all ivory trade
Elephants are currently being slaughtered for their ivory at a rate not seen in decades, their homes in Africa and Asia transformed into bloody killing fields to supply the market demand for everything from elaborate carvings to trinkets and chopsticks
Last week, EIA campaigners were at an international workshop on the conservation of tigers and other wildlife, held in Kunming, China.It was organised by the State Forestry Administration of China (SFA), and attended by all tiger range countries (except Myanmar/Burma) plus several NGOs along with a large delegation of Government representatives from China.
Too often, and too commonly, environmental crime is seen as a ‘victimless’ crime. But the grim reality is that alongside the terrible toll taken on endangered species such as tigers, elephants and rhinos, the activities of highly organised transnational wildlife crime syndicates also exact a huge price in human life.
Monday, July 29 is International Tiger Day, and all over the world people will celebrate the great cat and all that it represents – environmental security, clean air, clean water and clean government
After months of preparation, we are delighted to report that EIA’s Greens on the Green free summer festival was a big success. Hundreds of people dropped in to London’s Islington Green during the course of a long, hot and utterly perfect summer’s day