Tag: poaching


Urgent measures for elephants adopted at Botswana summit

Several African elephant range states as well as a number of ivory transit and consumer states at the African Elephant Summit in Gaborone, Botswana unanimously adopt 14 “urgent measures, to halt and reverse the trend in illegal killing of elephants and the illegal ivory trade“


The Autumn 2013 issue of Investigator is now available

The Autumn 2013 issue of our bi-annual newsletter Investigator, featuring an overview of key campaign activities during the past six months. This issue features: The cool technology revolution that’s easier on the climate and lots more


Pro-trade lobby unaware of demand & scope for growth?

Is it time to reconsider a legal global trade in tiger, elephant and rhino products? That was the question being debated last Thursday (October 17) at an EarthWatch Institute event held at the Royal Geographical Society in London.


March to tell world leaders to stamp out the ivory trade!

Elephants are currently being slaughtered for their ivory at a rate not seen in decades, their homes in Africa and Asia transformed into bloody killing fields to supply the market demand for everything from elaborate carvings to trinkets and chopsticks


Wild tigers can’t afford China’s half-baked commitments

Last week, EIA campaigners were at an international workshop on the conservation of tigers and other wildlife, held in Kunming, China.It was organised by the State Forestry Administration of China (SFA), and attended by all tiger range countries (except Myanmar/Burma) plus several NGOs along with a large delegation of Government representatives from China.