Tag: poaching


Crime, corruption & trade: why criminals’ thoughts matter

So, the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) has concluded. EIA campaigners and friends from range states were at this massive meeting in Bangkok, working hard and calling on Parties to stop stimulating demand for ivory, Asian big cats and rosewood


CITES: Rhetoric and tiptoeing around elephant poaching

Given that the elephant poaching crisis was at the forefront of the minds of all at the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES as never before, what was actually done by CITES to stop the killing of elephants across Africa?


Tiger Tracks is roaring into London tonight!

Tiger Tracks, the world’s biggest-ever tiger event, launched today at St Pancras Railway Station in London. Opened by legendary rock guitarist Brian May and singer Kelly Ellis playing live in the station


Welcome to the fight against the illegal wildlife trade

We are pleased to welcome the release of a new study Fighting Illicit Wildlife Trafficking. The study has been prepared by Dalberg Global Development Advisors, commissioned by WWF/Traffic, and its findings support the work we have been doing for decades to expose international environmental crime.


Fight wildlife crime together – sign the wildlife pledge!

We were thrilled to hear remarks of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the need for renewed international efforts to combat wildlife crime. It's been 12 years since the United Nations first recognised wildlife crime as a form of serious transnational organised crime, deserving of a organised enforcement response


The scourge of tiger farming must be brought to an end

Regardless of an international commitment under a UN treaty to phase them out, tiger farms still operate in China, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. The tigers in these operations play no conservation role – from either a genetic diversity perspective or an educational perspective