Tag: environmental-crime


Grounds for optimism on World Elephant Day?

It’s World Elephant Day and while it’s not possible to ignore the devastation wrought on elephant populations around the world, perhaps it’s more appropriate to focus on the positive. But to put any glimmers of light in context, let’s consider a cornerstone of our philosophy in its fight to save elephants – trade kills


Make your voice heard and help to defend European nature!

As our environment faces mounting human pressures, it is vital that we speak out to protect the last of our wilderness to restore the damage done. It will be no small challenge for Europe to meet its target of halting the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services by 2020.


Chobe elephants a powerful reminder of what we fight for

We visited Kasane, Botswana to attend the international Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade and had a chance to capture some beautiful images of wild elephants in Chobe National Park. When dealing with environmental criminality on a regular basis, images like these are an important reminder of what we're fighting for.