Tag: environmental-crime


Demand for rosewoods drives Cambodia forest murders

Two forest rangers, Sieng Darong and Sab Yoh, have been murdered in Preah Vihear Protected Forest, Cambodia. They were shot by illegal loggers, one of which has been tied to the Cambodian military, with high-powered rifles. The main driver of these crimes is unsustainable demand for rosewood timber in Vietnam and China


World Ozone Day – not just a hole lot of hot air!

While the date might not have been pinned to your fridge door, it’s probably affected the way the fridge operates. In fact, the discovery of the ozone hole in 1984 and the subsequent introduction of ozone-friendly alternatives in the years that followed did more than just alter the way we cooled our food and our homes


Airlines, Cecil the lion & EIA’s wild-caught bird campaign

It is heart-warming so many people were enraged by the cruel death of Cecil the lion, killed by an American hunter in Zimbabwe, but, as with all social media anger, it doesn’t last very long. Quick wins are great but rare and campaigns should be built on a fact-based footing from which long-lasting solutions are sought.