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Search results for: ozone

Press Release

Massive climate subsidies for HFCs industry to continue

As United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiators meet in Durban, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is calling on all Parties to reject HFC-23 carbon credits following widespread evidence and acknowledgement that most of the credits do not represent real emission reductions

  • Climate:
Press Release

India, China and Brazil thwart action on HFCs phase-out

Despite a call from 108 countries for the Montreal Protocol to pursue a phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), India, China and Brazil thwarted the will of the majority of the 124 countries gathered for the 23rd Meeting of Parties, claiming action on HFCs can only occur under the auspices of climate talks in Durban

  • Climate:
Front cover of our report entitled The Montreal Protocol in 2011: Winning the ozone battle, losing the climate war

Winning The Ozone Battle, Losing The Climate War

A report to the 23rd Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, from 21-25 November 2011 in Bali, Indonesia. The time has come for every international body and agency to take strong and immediate action to limit greenhouse gas emissions and halt climate change.

  • Climate:
Press Release

China’s greenhouse gas vent threat in bid to extort billions

In a shocking attempt to blackmail the international community, China has responded to efforts to ban the trading of widely discredited HFC-23 offsets by threatening to release huge amounts of the potent industrial chemical into the atmosphere unless other nations pay what amounts to a climate ransom

  • Climate:
Officials checking illegal CFC's

We have the chance to nip illegal HCFC trade in the bud

Today is World Ozone Day. Or, to put it more long-windedly, the ‘International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer’. However, it probably won’t have escaped attention that the hole in the ozone layer, the cause of global consternation in the 1970s and ’80s, is on track for (near total) recovery by around 2050

  • Climate:
CFC seizure
Press Release

HCFC phase-out at risk from illegal trade

The phase-out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) under the Montreal Protocol could be undermined by black market trade unless enforcement agencies are prepared, a new report jointly produced by EIA and United Nations Environment Programme

  • Climate: