
Setting the Stage for INC-5.2

The 5th session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-5) adjourned without a final text, and is set to resume in August 2025 (INC-5.2) with the hopes of landing a final deal.

The Palm Oil Black Box

Tracking the overall trade in oil palm is complex due to its many derivatives, products and uses. Many of the trade codes used at an international level are not specific to oil palm and multiple codes can be used for similar products, making trade opaque.

Off the Hook 2

Our research from 2024 highlights that significant concerns remain regarding transparency, information sharing and criminal justice in the global fight against wildlife crime. This report is part of EIA's regular assessment and focuses on four themes, which build upon the findings of our previous work.

From Risk to Responsibility

By tackling its own consumption and by developing strong international multi-stakeholder partnerships, the UK has a critical opportunity to lead by example in global environmental governance.