Tag: norway


Major climate commitment closer to adoption in 2016

Expectations are high that an HFC amendment could be finalised and adopted during the Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol in October in Kigali, Rwanda, after countries successfully reached solutions on difficult aspects, such as finance, in the first two days of the Vienna meetings

Dead whale at factory

If you think the whales have been saved, guess again

Although the commercial hunting of large whales was banned in 1986, Japan, Norway and Iceland continue to exploit loopholes to kill whales and trade whale products while continuing their efforts to undermine and ultimately overturn the ban. Recent years have seen a worrying rise in international trade in whale products.


All about whales – blogging from IWC65 in Slovenia

At the 65th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Portorož, Slovenia, EIA arrived with a new report on Iceland’s whaling, documenting its flouting of two international conventions in its pursuit of commercial hunting of the endangered fin whale and its efforts to escalate exports of whale products to Japan

Iceland - a deathtrap for Whales.

A week for whales – EIA is at the 65th IWC meeting

The International Whaling Commission meets in Slovenia to discuss issues including a South Atlantic whale sanctuary, Japan’s request for a ‘relief’ quota of 17 minke whales, action to protect cetaceans on the high seas, Greenland’s application for an Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling quota and the threat of marine debris