Tag: japan

Dead whale at factory

If you think the whales have been saved, guess again

Although the commercial hunting of large whales was banned in 1986, Japan, Norway and Iceland continue to exploit loopholes to kill whales and trade whale products while continuing their efforts to undermine and ultimately overturn the ban. Recent years have seen a worrying rise in international trade in whale products.


Grounds for optimism on World Elephant Day?

It’s World Elephant Day and while it’s not possible to ignore the devastation wrought on elephant populations around the world, perhaps it’s more appropriate to focus on the positive. But to put any glimmers of light in context, let’s consider a cornerstone of our philosophy in its fight to save elephants – trade kills


Climate change targets – we’re not out of the woods yet!

Our Climate Campainger, Natasha Hurley, reports back on the United Nations climate conference in Bonn and the EU Summit on Europe's 2030 climate and energy targets. There is general consensus in the UN that a global deal to eliminate HFCs should be the next step and the EU agreed on three headline targets for 2030.