It’s not too late for wild tigers – but they need a big change in attitudes and policies
In 2010, 29 July was designated Global Tiger Day by the heads of State of all 13 tiger range countries when they signed the St Petersburg Declaration in Russia
In 2010, 29 July was designated Global Tiger Day by the heads of State of all 13 tiger range countries when they signed the St Petersburg Declaration in Russia
Botswana has been in the news a lot this past week, following the mysterious mass die-off of hundreds of elephants
Three senior judges in the UK’s Court of Appeal have upheld the Ivory Act, dismissing an appeal by a group of antiques dealers
We have seen some significant changes in China’s wildlife trade policy - what major concerns remain and what might happen next?
Criminal wildlife traders continue to cash in on the coronavirus crisis – including touting tiger bone “glue” to maintain health during the pandemic
A part of its emergency response to the coronavirus epidemic, China has been stepping up efforts ito disrupt the illegal wildlife trade and criminal networks involved - in recent days, however, a different tone has emerged