Tag: illegal-wildlife-trade-2

Undercover wildlife crime investigator

All in a day’s work – EIA’s undercover investigator reports

Being an undercover wildlife crime investigator can be stressful. Convincing the criminals you investigate that you are one of them while at the same time gathering evidence to incriminate them can be mentally exhausting. It’s like being Jekyll and Hyde. Knowing when to press and when to step back is key 

Blogg by Charlotte Davies from EIA

Scripting the crime and identifying the target

This isn’t just a metaphor, but another way of looking at crime. For several years now, criminologists like Derek Cornish have been developing “crime scripts” which identify and isolate what criminal actors require to perfectly execute their parts –in terms of both tools and (spoken like a true thespian) “motivation”

A pangolin being hold by a person

Diaries of spirits departed …

Pangolins are being poached extensively and are now one of the most frequently-seized species in South East Asia. Overhunting to meet demand for their body parts has resulted in population declines which increases their value and drives further poaching in a scenario similar to the trade in rhino horn or tiger skins.

A composite i2® chart that shows trans-Himalayan connections in the skin trade, revealed through skin seizure events and telephone records.

Charlotte Davies describes how intelligence can help save species

The gathering, analysing and sharing of information to identify and combat environmental crime uses raw information as the starting ingredient; they connect, unite and enhance pieces of information into a more cohesive whole, called intelligence, giving a portrait of crime; where it’s happening and how to combat it