Tag: forest-governance


Season’s greetings from EIA – and thanks for everything!

With the holiday season in full swing and 2013 just a matter of days away, on behalf of everybody here at EIA I’d like to wish all of our supporters in the UK and around the world season’s greetings and all best wishes for a peaceful New Year


Undercover and on the trail of China’s stolen timber

Are you aware of how big China’s need for logs and timber actually is? Last year China imported at least 18.5 million cubic metres of illegal logs and sawn timber – that’s worth $3.7 billion. To put that into perspective, you could fill Beijing’s Olympic stadium more than six times


Lacey Act has teeth: US gets serious about illegal logging

Gibson Guitars has finally faced the music. After nearly a year of crying fou, seeking audience with every possible media outlet and hiring a DC lobbying firm to change the law under which it was being investigated, Gibson Guitars has acknowledged that it did, in fact, import illegal wood in violation of the Lacey Act