Tag: european-union


The Autumn 2013 issue of Investigator is now available

The Autumn 2013 issue of our bi-annual newsletter Investigator, featuring an overview of key campaign activities during the past six months. This issue features: The cool technology revolution that’s easier on the climate and lots more


It’s all heating up in the fight against climate change!

At the quarterly meeting of EU Climate and Environment Ministers in Brussels, climate champion Denmark rallied support from a further five EU Member States to renounce the use of HFC-23 carbon offsets towards national emissions targets


Action alert: Help us urge EU to win one for the climate!

As the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee votes on possible changes to the EU’s F-Gas Regulation, we urge action to ensure hydrofluorocarbons – widely used in refrigeration and air conditioning – are banned in new equipment and products by 2020 despite chemical industry lobbying to maintain the status quo


The Spring 2013 issue of Investigator is now available

The Spring 2013 issue of our bi-annual newsletter Investigator, giving you an overview of our key campaign activities during the past six months. This issue features our exposé of China’s conservation double standard and lots more


EIA response to criticisms of Appetite for Destruction

China Timber & Wood Products Distribution Association (CTWPDA) was critical of EIA’s report, questioning the data and approaches used in reaching our findings. It further expressed its opposition to the adoption of any of EIA’s recommendations by the Chinese Government. We have in turn responded to the allegations


Australia moves to outlaw stolen timber from its markets

Australia’s Parliament has voted in new laws banning stolen timber which require all importers to carry out mandatory due diligence on timber and timber products sourced from overseas in a move which sees Australia join the US and European Union as major timber marketplaces closing their doors to stolen wood