Tag: ecosystems-biodiversity


Lacey Act has teeth: US gets serious about illegal logging

Gibson Guitars has finally faced the music. After nearly a year of crying fou, seeking audience with every possible media outlet and hiring a DC lobbying firm to change the law under which it was being investigated, Gibson Guitars has acknowledged that it did, in fact, import illegal wood in violation of the Lacey Act


Ivory trade advocate ducks his critics at CITES meeting

Parties attending the 62nd meeting of Standing Committee to CITES were subjected to an extraordinary floor show during discussions on a document advocating a De Beers-style controlling body for an international trade in ivory – a Central Ivory Selling Organisation


EIA is blogging from the IWC in Panama this week

A resolution was proposed by Monaco on highly migratory cetaceans in the high seas. It sought to increase the synergy between the IWC and the United Nations on the conservation of whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) and to focus UN attention on the whaling carried out in these waters despite the moratorium