Tag: ecosystems-biodiversity


Bengal tigers roadshow tours India’s Sundarban villages

A unique initiative to raise awareness about threatened Bengal tigers and the mangrove forests they inhabit has been touring villages in India’s Sundarban, received energetic responses from the huge gatherings comprising locals and stakeholders living in the villages bordering the tiger reserve


Thailand needs support to end the rosewood robbery

In Bangkok this week for the annual INTERPOL meeting on environmental crime, we took the opportunity to host a panel discussion at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand, highlighting the many forms environmental crime takes in the region and then turning the spotlight on the hot issue of rosewood


After ivory, a legal rhino horn trade will only cause harm

South Africa has seen an uncontrollable wave of poaching of rhinos for their horns, believed to be the panacea for all manner of ailments (without a shred scientific proof) in the Far East yet, staggeringly, in some quarters the argument is still made that a legal trade in horn is the answer to this appalling situation


Good news for tigers shows we’re on the right path

It can be a long week/month/year/decade when you’re constantly confronted with bad news and the terrible things that we are doing to life on this planet. It can often seem like a never-ending uphill battle. And, well, that’s what it is, but every now and again you get some news that gives you a glimmer of hope


EIA, breaking the news and making headlines in 2011!

These are just the tip of the iceberg in what’s been a highly productive and busy year for EIA, one in which we also played a key role in achieving a groundbreaking agreement on timber trade between the European Union and Indonesia, and kept tabs on supermarket promises to get rid of greenhouse gases in their fridges