Tag: ecosystems-biodiversity


A chance to share with future environmental champions

At EIA, we love to interact with future environmental champions as well as today’s environmental leaders. That’s why it’s always a great pleasure to host the students of Michigan State University’s course on Environmental Science, Policy and Criminology


Our oceans need silence, not the thunder of exploitation

A few weeks ago, the e-newsletter Science for Environment Policy from the EU Commission provided a briefing on underwater noise. The brief tried, at least in my opinion, to downplay the risks of intense underwater noise sources

  • Ocean:

The shocking impacts of plastic pollution in our oceans

Since plastic production began in the 1950s, plastic debris has been accumulating in our marine environment. In just one week, from bottled water alone, the US produces enough discarded bottles to circle the planet five times

  • Ocean:

Environmental crime – putting the blame where it belongs

The spectacle of magnificent, endangered creatures such as tigers, elephants and rhinos reduced to broken, bleeding carcasses, plundered for illegal trades in home decór, trinkets and fake ‘traditional’ medicines, can be all but impossible to view without provoking distress and fury in equal measure

  • Forests:
  • Wildlife:

Charlotte in the running to help a forest hero’s family

Late one night travelling with work, I had a fit of jet lag and registered for the Brighton Marathon. Ludicrously, I'd only started running a few weeks before, so it gave me a goal (an ambitious one) and anyway, it seemed ages away.

  • Forests: