Tag: commercial-whaling


Whaling in the name of Science: Japan in the dock

This morning I tuned into the live broadcast of the landmark case being heard in the International Court of Justice in The Hague. In 2010 Australia filed proceedings against Japan’s program of ‘scientific’ whaling in the Antarctic


Environmental crime – putting the blame where it belongs

The spectacle of magnificent, endangered creatures such as tigers, elephants and rhinos reduced to broken, bleeding carcasses, plundered for illegal trades in home decór, trinkets and fake ‘traditional’ medicines, can be all but impossible to view without provoking distress and fury in equal measure


The news we’ve helped to make and break in 2012!

If 2012 has shown anything, it’s that we’re still small and that our concise reports anchored in hard documentary evidence – often obtained undercover in potentially dangerous circumstances – continue to give us the clout to punch well above our weight


Season’s greetings from EIA – and thanks for everything!

With the holiday season in full swing and 2013 just a matter of days away, on behalf of everybody here at EIA I’d like to wish all of our supporters in the UK and around the world season’s greetings and all best wishes for a peaceful New Year


Yahoo! stays silent as whaling protests get ever louder

It’s been a busy and exhilarating week for EIA’s cetaceans team since last Friday when we rolled out the second phase of our ongoing campaign to persuade Yahoo! to stop profiting from the sale of whale and dolphin meat via Yahoo! Japan


Marine debris – don’t let out of sight be out of mind

I hate to see litter by the roadsides, but the accumulation of debris in the ocean is out of sight and therefore out of mind. My first research project at EIA focused on the impacts of marine debris on cetaceans. I was alarmed to read that 6.4 million tonnes of litter is dumped in oceans every year