Tag: asia


Grounds for optimism on World Elephant Day?

It’s World Elephant Day and while it’s not possible to ignore the devastation wrought on elephant populations around the world, perhaps it’s more appropriate to focus on the positive. But to put any glimmers of light in context, let’s consider a cornerstone of our philosophy in its fight to save elephants – trade kills


Nico’s ready to march off into the Gobi desert for EIA

The Gobi March is 250km, spread over seven days and is, for the most part, self-supported. Self-supported means the race organisers provide water and a corner in a shared tent at the end of each day, but everything else is yours to procure and carry


Hutan Aceh – forest monitoring from the ground to the Cloud

EIA has been working closely with a network of activists to set up an innovative system for forest monitoring in Aceh, a province on the very western tip of Indonesia hosting some of the richest forests in Asia, especially the peerless Leuser Ecosystem which is home to Sumatran tigers, elephants, orangutans and rhinos


Tale of the tiger’s fight for survival is released in the UK

We’re more accustomed to blazing trails, sticking our necks out and raising the alarm on emerging issues than blowing our own trumpet. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but be proud to read JA Mills’ perspective of our role in the conservation of tigers and other wildlife, and that of my colleagues past and present