Tag: asia


The world has lowered its guard on the last wild tigers

Poaching for trade continues to be the primary threat to the survival of tigers in the wild. It’s a brutal trade targeting some of the world’s most iconic and majestic species, to churn out entirely expendable luxury goods such as tiger skin rugs and expensive wines made from tiger bone steeped in alcohol


Kenya’s courageous ivory pyre a statement of intent

With a high level Heads of State meeting in Nanyuki, The Giants Club Summit, followed by the largest ever public burning of stockpiled ivory, presided over by Kenya’s president Uhuru Kenyatta, the wires were buzzing with speculation and discussion as to what these events might mean for the future of Africa’s elephants


China’s tiger ‘industry’ remains clearly out of control

China’s experimental trade in the skins of captive-bred tigers has done nothing to relieve pressure on wild tigers – quite the opposite, it has perpetuated the desirability of tiger products and kept the poachers in business acquiring cheaper parts and derivatives from the wild