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Search results for: Indonésia

Man in destroyed forest
Press Release

Norwegian cancellation of investment in Malaysian logger highlights need for review of wider investments in deforestation operations

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) commends Norway’s divestment of its pension fund’s shares in Malaysian logger Samling Global this week, but calls for a more comprehensive review of the fund’s wider investments of over $400 million in other controversial forestry and plantation companies

Blogg by Steven Abbott. Senior Fundraiser at EIA.

Julian Newman on forest crime and corruption

Right now Indonesia is in the midst of a crucial struggle to tame the corruption which infects every aspect of public life. Current President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono came into office on an anti-corruption ticket and the main agency leading the charge has been the Corruption Eradication Commission or KPK


Rogue Traders

A report naming two of the kingpins in Indonesia profiteering from the hugely lucrative international trade in stolen timber. Rogue Traders identifies businessmen Ricky Gunawan and Hengky Gosal as two of the major players in smuggling illicit merbau timber

Tiger in a tree

This month the tiger team have been mostly …

It feels like we are approaching the end of a journey. This year, the Year of the Tiger, will see the highlight of the Global Tiger Initiative (GTI) process with a gathering of world leaders in St. Petersburg in September. Followed by a rock concert!

Press Release

EU outlaws all illegal timber

Terrorised and injured, kidnapped EIA campaigner Faith Doherty left her captors with a promise to continue fighting the timber barons who reap fortunes from stolen wood. Now, after more than 10 years of continuous campaigning, she and her colleagues are ecstatic to see EU legislators reaching an agreement