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Search results for: Indonésia

Front cover of our report entitled The Thousand-Headed Snake: Forest Crimes, Corruption and Injustice in Indonesia

The Thousand-Headed Snake

An environmental crime of almost unimaginable scale continues to unfold across Indonesia. This report exposes how corruption and collusion at all stages of the justice system, from the police and prosecutors to judges, conspires to ensure that the main culprits behind illegal logging in Indonesia remain at liberty


America’s Free Trade for Illegal Timber

The US is cementing economic partnerships which could further speed the destruction of South-East Asian and Latin American forests. The list of looming US Free Trade Agreements reads like a who’s who of states involved in the global illegal logging epidemic. We urge the US to ban of the import of illegal timber


Behind The Veneer

A report into how Indonesia’s last rainforests are being felled for flooring. Merbau, a highly valuable hardwood, is being ruthlessly targeted by illegal logging syndicates in Indonesian Papua to supply the booming demand for tropical hardwood flooring

Front cover of our report entitled The Last Frontier: Illegal Logging in Papua and China's Massive Timber Theft

The Last Frontier

A report on how the rampant smuggling of illegal timber from Indonesia to China is a billion dollar trade threatening the last remaining intact tropical forests in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia has already lost 95 per cent of its frontier forests and most of what remains is confined to the Indonesian archipelago

Front cover of our report entitled The Ramin Racket: The Role of CITES in Curbing Illegal Timber Trade

The Ramin Racket

A report on the role of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in curbing illegal timber trade and protecting endangered tree species. Despite the success of its current CITES listing, endangered ramin remains under threat, with remnants of Malaysia’s ramin forests exploited unsustainably