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Search results for: Indonésia


Caught REDD Handed

On the day Indonesia’s landmark moratorium on forest conversion was signed and celebrated in Jakarta, it was being actively broken in a crime-riddled Pilot Province.This report by us and Indonesian partner Telapak documents peat forest in Central Kalimantan’s moratorium zone being illegally razed by a palm oil firm.

Tiger skin offered to EIA.

It matters what criminals think too!

Our Intelligence Analyst, Charlotte Davies, discusses the valuable insights into criminal behaviour that can be gained from engaging illegal traders through covert operations. These insights need to be shared among enforcement agencies to help better understand and combat illegal wildlife trade in a changing world

illegal timber raft in river
Press Release

Transparency vital to landmark timber accord

As Asia’s first-ever Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) was today (09.00 GMT, May 4) formally agreed in Jakarta by senior representatives of the European Union and Government of Indonesia, it was warned the historic timber trade agreement would only succeed alongside rigorous efforts to stamp out corruption