China’s conservation image tarnished by tiger bone decision
With fewer than 4,000 wild tigers remaining across Asia and approximately 30,000 rhinos in Asia and Africa, government leaders must do everything possible to end poaching and trafficking.
With fewer than 4,000 wild tigers remaining across Asia and approximately 30,000 rhinos in Asia and Africa, government leaders must do everything possible to end poaching and trafficking.
For the past three years or so, a handful of scientific entrepreneurs have increasingly championed a possible solution to the current appalling levels of rhino poaching. Specifically, several companies have been advocating the use of biotechnology to artificially create rhino horn and then ‘flood’ the market with it
Vientiane Times has reported that four restaurants at Laos’ Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (GT SEZ) had been shut down and illegal wildlife products confiscated and burnt, following the release of EIA’s Sin City report
The announcement by South Africa Environment Minister Edna Molewa earlier this week that up to 500 rhino could be relocated from the world famous Kruger National Park to protect them from poachers was undermined by the revelation that the bulk of the animals would go to private game reserves
Illegal trade in ivory, rhino horn and tiger products receives a relatively high international profile, far more so than the fast-growing trade in pangolins for their meat and scales – in just a few short years, this quiet creature has become the world’s most trafficked mammal
With our position of opposing all trade in the products of threatened wildlife because it drives and facilitates demand, we’ve been challenged on several occasions to explain or justify our stance and thought it would be useful to set out our arguments all in one place