Tag: poaching


CITES Parties must keep the ‘forgotten’ big cats in mind

At the forthcoming Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) we will call on world governments to tackle the widespread poaching of leopards driven by the illicit trade in body parts. Besides adopting the draft Decisions on the table, we urge Parties to close domestic markets for big cat parts.


EIA calls for the closure of legal domestic ivory markets

On World Elephant Day today, EIA is calling on world governments to vote YES and support the closure of legal domestic ivory markets at the 17th Conference of the Parties to CITES, which takes place next month in Johannesburg. This is the biggest international gathering on wildlife trade in the calendar, attracting thousands of delegates who will debate how to regulate international trade.


Pangolins are in dire need of tougher CITES protection

Estimates suggest that at least one million pangolins have been traded in the past decade. Although there is no population data for any pangolin species, the levels of observed trade and the patterns of exploitation strongly suggest that all pangolin species are in decline and that trade is the primary reason


The world has lowered its guard on the last wild tigers

Poaching for trade continues to be the primary threat to the survival of tigers in the wild. It’s a brutal trade targeting some of the world’s most iconic and majestic species, to churn out entirely expendable luxury goods such as tiger skin rugs and expensive wines made from tiger bone steeped in alcohol


Mapping crime: a resource for World Pangolin Day

The map is intended as a regularly updated resource for use by anybody working in pangolin conservation as well as for general interest and is based on a subset of poaching and seizure incidents from 2000-15, derived from publicly available records, from primarily English and Chinese language sources