Tag: poaching


Illegal trade is still pushing the vaquita to extinction

Despite commitments and international attention, work to save the world’s most endangered marine mammal are proving inadequate – without urgent coordinated action from Mexico, the US and China, the extinction of the vaquita seems inevitable as, despite efforts by the Mexican Government, illegal fishing still continues


China ivory ban a big win for elephants – if done properly

At the end of 2016, elephants made headlines as China announced a timeframe for closing its domestic ivory market – long held by many conservationists as the single biggest step that could be taken to end the slaughter of elephants. It is now imperative the ban be strongly enforced and any potential loopholes closed


Future ivory trade is off the CITES table – and about time!

CITES has voted not to adopt a decision-making mechanism (DMM) for future trade in ivory, what does this mean for elephants? EIA always opposed the development of the DMM, we believe any trade in ivory poses a serious threat to elephants, the main objective of the DMM was to facilitate international legal ivory trade


CITES CoP17 opens next week … but what is CITES?

Next week marks the opening of the 17th Conference of the Parties (CoP17), a regular meeting of the members of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, more commonly known as CITES. We give an overview of CITES, CoP17 and the listing of vulnerable species on CITES Appendices.