Tag: our-partners


Get cosy this winter without overheating the planet!

Ecotricity and EIA first became partners several years ago, with each new customer signing on for Ecotricity through us resulting in a donation towards our work to combat climate change as well as our front line work to expose environmental crime and exploitation


Farewell to a champion of India’s tigers & wildlife

Ashok Kumar has passed away at the age of 81. The first Director of TRAFFIC India, former Vice President of the Wildlife Protection Society of India as well as Founder and Emeritus of the Wildlife Trust of India, Ashok was a champion for India’s wildlife and environment


The world has lowered its guard on the last wild tigers

Poaching for trade continues to be the primary threat to the survival of tigers in the wild. It’s a brutal trade targeting some of the world’s most iconic and majestic species, to churn out entirely expendable luxury goods such as tiger skin rugs and expensive wines made from tiger bone steeped in alcohol


The answer to future energy needs is blowing in the wind

Green electricity didn’t exist in the world back in 1996. When Ecotricity offered it for the first time, it became not just Britain’s but the world’s first green electricity company, kick-starting the now-global green energy generation industry.