Time for the Montreal Protocol to step up its fight against ozone damage and global warming
A new briefing, High Stakes, recommends tougher and more effective commitments under the Montreal Protocol
A new briefing, High Stakes, recommends tougher and more effective commitments under the Montreal Protocol
A report has been published on the possibility of the 'Hothouse Earth' scenario, in which man-made climate change may result in irreversible tipping points and catastrophic environmental change. Collective action is required to prevent this including hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) management under the Kigali amendment.
The unexpected rise in emissions of CFC-11 was top of the agenda at the 40th Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) to the Montreal Protocol in Vienna. Tina Birmpili of the Ozone Secretariat said it was “critical to take stock of the science and take action” and urged parties to “not relax their vigilance for a second”
Our Climate team is at the 40th Open Ended Working Group to the Montreal Protocol in Vienna, Austria, to press for action on illegal CFCs in China, climate-friendly energy efficiency and other issues – the ongoing, widespread use of CFC-11 in China is a major compliance issue and an environmental crime on a grand scale
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is widely recognised as the world’s most successful multilateral environmental agreement and in 2016 it made history yet again with the adoption of the Kigali Amendment which will avoid almost a half a degree of warming by the end of the century
Global efforts to reduce super greenhouse gases took a step forward with the announcement this week by the UK Government that it had begun the ratification process for the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.