Tag: international-whaling-commission

Iceland - a deathtrap for Whales.

A week for whales – EIA is at the 65th IWC meeting

The International Whaling Commission meets in Slovenia to discuss issues including a South Atlantic whale sanctuary, Japan’s request for a ‘relief’ quota of 17 minke whales, action to protect cetaceans on the high seas, Greenland’s application for an Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling quota and the threat of marine debris


Demand is key in Japan’s unjustifiable coastal whaling

We traveled to Japan to release our new report, Toxic Catch: Japan's unsustainable and irresponsible whale, dolphin and porpoise hunts, to raise awareness around the harmful effects of these hunts including drastic population declines of wild cetaceans and threats to human health for people consuming meat and blubber.


The shocking impacts of plastic pollution in our oceans

Since plastic production began in the 1950s, plastic debris has been accumulating in our marine environment. In just one week, from bottled water alone, the US produces enough discarded bottles to circle the planet five times