Tag: india


Why we can never relax our vigil over wild tigers

Next week, the UK Government is hosting a high-level international summit on illegal wildlife trade in London. We would like to see all attending governments ensure that the response needed to save tigers is discussed as one of the top priority issues along with ivory and rhino horn trade


Driven by a burning bright passion to help wild tigers

In this guest blog for EIA, Simon Clinton discusses his passion for tigers and how he came to set up Save Wild Tigers, a non-profit organisation bringing marketing thinking to the cause of tiger conservation. He also presents some upcoming fundraising events to raise money for high-impact tiger conservation projects


Climate conundrums: blogging from the UNFCCC in Poland

In advance of the 19th Conference of the Parties (CoP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), our Climate Campaigner, Natasha Hurley, reflects on the challenges that lie ahead and the global action required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).


Happy Ozone Day! (or why the Montreal Protocol is still vital)

An entire book deserves to be written on how the world’s big chemical companies have cynically sought to undermine the science of climate change with the sole aim of raking in more profit but on World Ozone Day it’s important to focus on the positives and consider why the global ozone regime remains as relevant as ever