Tag: hfcs


Meeting an historic chance to tackle climate change

The 25th Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol opened in Bangkok, Thailand today (October 21, 2013), offering an historic opportunity to tackle climate change and prevent the release into the atmosphere of more than 100 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) by the middle of the century through a global phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)


Action alert: Help us urge EU to win one for the climate!

As the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee votes on possible changes to the EU’s F-Gas Regulation, we urge action to ensure hydrofluorocarbons – widely used in refrigeration and air conditioning – are banned in new equipment and products by 2020 despite chemical industry lobbying to maintain the status quo


Picking up the pace of the fight for F-gas reform

Fluorinated greenhouse gases, or F-gases, are just about everywhere in contemporary life, from industrial and supermarket refrigeration to foams, air-conditioning systems and water coolers. Among them are HFCs, a family of potent greenhouse gases hundreds to thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide


EIA Euro Parliament event: End in Sight for HFCs

F-Gases, and HFCs in particular, are a rapidly growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. Currently they account for around two per cent of European emissions, but unless urgent action is taken this will increase dramatically, estimates suggest they could account for up to 19 per cent of global emissions by 2050