Tag: enforcement


In the fight against illegal trade, don’t forget about the tigers

With as few as 3,200 wild tigers remaining, every single one counts. Based on known incidents of poaching, trafficking and illegal sales, at least 1,500 tigers have ended up in trade since 2000. That might not grab the same headlines as the tragedy unfolding for Africa’s elephants and rhinos but it is no less a crisis


Passionate memoir of the fight to save tigers from extinction

With the crisis facing elephants and rhinos, it is a timely reminder to the international community not to forget the tiger, especially in the lead up to a high-level international meeting in Botswana in March 2015, a follow-up to the London Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade hosted by the UK in February 2014


How corruption is poisoning the global environment

From EIA’s perspective, corruption is a key enabling factor in environmental crime, especially the theft of natural resources. Research has shown that the more affected it is by corruption, the poorer a country’s environmental performance – a theoretical link borne out by the findings of many EIA field investigations


Hong Kong needs to do better in illegal wildlife trade fight

Hong Kong has a notorious history of trade in wildlife. Back in the heydays of the 1960s-70s, in an ordinary market one would be able to find wild mammals and raptors, stacked in various cages, and showcases of tiger and leopard skin in specialty shops. Today, the trade is more inconspicuous but thriving just the same