Tag: enforcement


Airlines, Cecil the lion & EIA’s wild-caught bird campaign

It is heart-warming so many people were enraged by the cruel death of Cecil the lion, killed by an American hunter in Zimbabwe, but, as with all social media anger, it doesn’t last very long. Quick wins are great but rare and campaigns should be built on a fact-based footing from which long-lasting solutions are sought.


Make your voice heard and help to defend European nature!

As our environment faces mounting human pressures, it is vital that we speak out to protect the last of our wilderness to restore the damage done. It will be no small challenge for Europe to meet its target of halting the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services by 2020.


Hutan Aceh – forest monitoring from the ground to the Cloud

EIA has been working closely with a network of activists to set up an innovative system for forest monitoring in Aceh, a province on the very western tip of Indonesia hosting some of the richest forests in Asia, especially the peerless Leuser Ecosystem which is home to Sumatran tigers, elephants, orangutans and rhinos


On World Pangolin Day spread word of unique creature’s plight

February 21 is World Pangolin Day and to mark the occasion we’re pleased to publish this guest blog from Darren Pietersen, chairman of the African Pangolin Working Group, a not-for-profit organisation based in Africa which undertakes research and conservation activities on pangolins in various African countries