Tag: brighton-marathon


Hitting the pain barrier to help fight ivory trade agony

It’s just a few days until I run Brighton Marathon, when the funds I raise will support EIA’s Elephant Campaign. Thousands of elephants continue to be slaughtered for their ivory, despite a ban that came into force 25 years ago. Unbelievably, many legal markets still exist around the world


In the running to help EIA fight environmental crime!

In less than a month, EIA campaigner Jill Thomson and supporter Adam Lee will pound the pavements in the Brighton Marathon 2014 to raise funds for the important work we do. Both have been working through a tough training schedule and here they tell us how they feel about preparing for the run


Run, swim, cycle, climb or bake to help fund EIA’s work!

By signing up to a sporting event for EIA, not only will you be pushing yourself to achieve personal goals and get fit in the process, you’ll also be helping to protect some of the world’s most endangered species and environments. If you’re looking to fundraise for a good cause, then look no further


Charlotte & Justin reflect on their marathon efforts

In the aftermath of their Herculean efforts in the Brighton Marathon, Charlotte Davies and Justin Gosling quiz each other about what motivated them to run – and what kept them motivated all the way to the finish line