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Search results for: Indonésia

Blogg by Steven Abbott. Senior Fundraiser at EIA.

Is EIA’s work scientific? Fundraiser Steve discusses

In this blog, our Senior Fundraiser, Steven Abbott, who has a strong scientific background, challenges the claim made by some that we are not scientists and therefore our investigative findings have no value. We do everything a scientist does, are as qualified and publish reports that change the world for the better

Press Release

Giving a voice to Tanzanian communities

Steve Shikuku, of Tanzania’s Pastoralists Indigenous NGOs Forum (PINGOs), stands up for the rights of nomadic Maasai communities – and thanks to a unique project run by the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), he and scores like him now have many new and effective campaigning tools at their fingertips

A look to the crown of a big tree, from below

Caught REDD-handed!

On the day Indonesia’s president signed a new moratorium on forest exploitation in areas of peatland and primary forest across Indonesia, a Malaysian owned plantation company was filmed actively clearing about 5,000 hectares of it in the REDD+ Pilot Province, Central Kalimantan. The moratorium was breached on day one