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Search results for: Indonésia


Too little time at CITES CoP16 for threats to tigers

Hard-fought battles that commenced years ago have come to a constructive and logical conclusion in the interests of sharks, manta rays and rosewoods. For Asian big cats, there was a good decision that will review of efforts to combat illegal trade and to end trade in parts and products of captive-bred tigers


EIA response to criticisms of Appetite for Destruction

China Timber & Wood Products Distribution Association (CTWPDA) was critical of EIA’s report, questioning the data and approaches used in reaching our findings. It further expressed its opposition to the adoption of any of EIA’s recommendations by the Chinese Government. We have in turn responded to the allegations


Road to reform & Indonesian Legality Assurance System

Faith Doherty, was at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in London to present a formal address as part of the Interactive Market Dialogue on the Indonesian Legal Timber and the European Union Timber Regulation, at the invitation of His Excellency T.M. Hamzah Thayeb, Indonesian Ambassador to the UK