Tag: undercover-investigation


Investigator Week: The stress of living a double life

In this Investigator blog, one of our undercover investigators talks about the stress of maintaining an undercover identity which has a drastic impact on personal life and means you may be contacted at any time. However, the importance of undercover investigations in exposing criminal activity is a powerful reward


Illegal trade is still pushing the vaquita to extinction

Despite commitments and international attention, work to save the world’s most endangered marine mammal are proving inadequate – without urgent coordinated action from Mexico, the US and China, the extinction of the vaquita seems inevitable as, despite efforts by the Mexican Government, illegal fishing still continues


Future ivory trade is off the CITES table – and about time!

CITES has voted not to adopt a decision-making mechanism (DMM) for future trade in ivory, what does this mean for elephants? EIA always opposed the development of the DMM, we believe any trade in ivory poses a serious threat to elephants, the main objective of the DMM was to facilitate international legal ivory trade