Botswana’s elephant crisis – no time for pride and arrogance with such a pressing need for action
Botswana has been in the news a lot this past week, following the mysterious mass die-off of hundreds of elephants
Botswana has been in the news a lot this past week, following the mysterious mass die-off of hundreds of elephants
Plastic pollution has now been found in Antarctic sea ice, which has far-reaching consequences for the health of the planet and underlines the need for a global treaty the tackle it
Today is World Oceans Day and the theme for this year’s observation is ‘Preventing plastic pollution and encouraging solutions for a healthy ocean’ – a call to action that couldn’t be more pressing
Last Thursday (October 17) saw a live debate in London organised by EarthWatch Institute as to whether the time was right to consider a legal trade of some endangered wildlife products such as ivory, rhino horn or tiger skins and parts.
Hard-fought battles that commenced years ago have come to a constructive and logical conclusion in the interests of sharks, manta rays and rosewoods. For Asian big cats, there was a good decision that will review of efforts to combat illegal trade and to end trade in parts and products of captive-bred tigers
Elissa Sursara is an Australia-based conservationist and correspondent using environmental biology to connect humans and the environment. In this guest blog, she discusses shark conservation and finning, both hot topics around the world and in her home country