Towards Extinction
The Government of Japan still allows 22,000 small cetaceans to be legally killed each year in unregulated hunts around the coast, some of them rare or endangered and others threatened or in decline from overhunting
- Campaigns:
The Government of Japan still allows 22,000 small cetaceans to be legally killed each year in unregulated hunts around the coast, some of them rare or endangered and others threatened or in decline from overhunting
A report into how the first CITES-approved ivory sale led to an increase in elephant poaching In 1997, CITES Parties voted to down-list the elephant populations of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe, followed swiftly by a supposedly one-time only sale in 1999 of stockpiled ivory to Japan
India is home to two thirds of the world population of tigers. The immediate threat to their survival is from poaching to supply the Asian markets for tiger bones and body parts. In India the Royal Bengal tiger edges towards extinction because of a complete lack of political will to save it.
The elephants of southern Africa are under fire in the front line of a conflict that has raged for more than two decades. The Appendix I listing of the African elephant by CITES has proved to be a success in countries which have demonstrated the political will to implement the ban on trade in elephant products
A ground-breaking ivory trade report which scrutinises key markets in Asia, the rampant poaching in African countries and exposes some of the international criminals who oversee the trade. The report played a key role in achieving the 1989 international ban on elephant ivory trade at CITES