Tag: illegal-wildlife-trade-2


Renegade Whaling

This report exposes how Iceland is defying international treaties to hunt endangered fin whales in a bid to create a new consumer market in Japan. it identifies wealthy Icelandic businessman Kristján Loftsson and his firm Hvalur hf as the driving force behind the bloody trade


A Deadly Game Of Cat And Mouse

In this report, we urge the Government of China to establish a specialised multi-agency enforcement unit with the skills and resources to proactively investigate criminal networks trafficking and selling Asian big cat parts and derivatives.

Front cover of the EIA: 25 years commemorative booklet

EIA: 25 Years

A special commemorative booklet celebrating EIA’s 25th anniversary. As well as offering a selection of campaign highlights from the past two-and-a-half decades, it also looks in some detail at the activities of the primary campaign areas of Climate, Elephant, Forests, Oceans and Tigers

Front cover of our briefing entitled Saving the Wild Tiger: Enforcement, tiger trade and free market folly - an EIA discussion document

Tiger Farming Economics Don’t Add Up

Briefing looking at many of the arguments put forward by supporters of tiger farming, highlighting the false assumptions used by pro-trade advocates. We believe proponents of tiger farming have based their support on flawed assumptions and studies which do not fully grasp or reflect realities of illegal wildlife trade