Tag: hfcs

EIA report into HFC's

Risk Assessment of Illegal Trade in HCFCs

Illegal trade in ozone depleting substances (ODS) arose as an unintended consequence of the phase-out of these materials and as illegal trade in ODS soared in the mid-1990s the Montreal Protocol, somewhat belatedly, responded through the creation of national import/export licensing systems.


Maximizing Climate Benefits from Ozone Protection

A report examining three options to be considered by a Montreal Protocol meeting, each of which would produce greater emission reductions than those resulting from the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol or any near-term options being considered in the climate talks


Chilling Facts

Supermarket refrigeration is making a worrying contribution to climate change. The main cooling gases used by supermarkets – hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are many thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide in terms of their global warming impact. Our conclusion? It’s time for the supermarkets to take action