Tag: hfcs


Closing the Emissions Gap: Time to phase out HFCs

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) represent about one per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, it is expected to soar in coming decades. This report argues that the time for action on HFCs has arrived; failure to do so will result in an additional year of inertia and circular debates

Front cover of our report entitled The Montreal Protocol in 2012: Celebrating Past Achievements Facing up to Future Challenges

The Montreal Protocol in 2012

As we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol and its history of unparalleled success, we owe it to ourselves to reflect not just on our achievements, but also on the challenges ahead, which we are currently failing to address


Chilling Facts IV

The latest of our annual reports focusing on the use of climate-damaging refrigerants in major supermarket chains and progress to move away from harmful HFCs to climate-friendly alternatives. Chilling Facts IV finds 344 stores have now made the transition, with thousands of engineers trained to service them