Tag: germany


Hanoi Statement: Political talk worth little without action

THE Hanoi Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade opened with an inspirational call by the Duke of Cambridge for greater action to end illegal wildlife trade but the statement adopted at the end of the day is a long way from reflecting the urgency of the current situation


Action alert: Tell Rakuten to end elephant ivory sales

Internet retail giant Rakuten did the right thing by banning adverts for whales and dolphin products shortly after the release of our report but the company is still carrying ads for elephant ivory products, many originating from illegal ivory poached in Africa, and we need your renewed help to urge it to stop


Action alert: Tell Rakuten to end elephant & whale sales

Consumers are urged to protest directly to internet retailing giant Rakuten and via its social media over its sales of elephant ivory and whale products, citing Japan’s failure to properly manage its domestic ivory trade and whale products originating from protected species or with dangerously high levels of toxins